Thursday, December 31, 2009

you are your hard disc

My laptop crashed a few weeks ago. Went dark, wouldn’t turn on, a complete crash and burn. Nyark. But just in time came our Christmas bonus and a few days ago I brought home a new baby.

I panicked at first about the data that is now stuck in my old hard drive… photos, random thoughts, resume drafts, et cetera, which I actually think I have backed up somewhere. What really scared me was the thought that my music library was lost forever. But music was saved (ripped directly out of my iPod), play counts are lost is all. Now iTunes will re-start counting at zero.

Given all this data drama it seemed timely when I saw this image in one of the two Tumblr accounts I follow. And the more I think about today being the last day of 2009, the more I like the idea that I have 320gigs of new hard disc space to fill.

Hello, 2010.

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