Wednesday, July 20, 2011

clueless in advertising?

I was an ad agency intern in 2004. Back when I thought I wanted to be a designer. Before I had a stint in PR, an affair with account management, a brush with digital. When advertising meant TV+Radio+Print and the last stop on the project checklist was signing FA off or sending tapes to the stations. When I thought agencies were made up of Suits and Creatives (no concept of planning). When, as I would leave at 5 pm, creatives would tell me the day was just beginning. When advertising seemed like the ultimate playground.

Some things will never be the same. Some things will never change.

When I was a very impressionable intern, a very kind art director lent me a book that someone else had given him when he was thinking of getting into advertising.

It excited me because it was well designed, and because he was my intern crush. Cut to today and I've been at the same agency, pretty much, for almost five years. So even if this book only rates with two stars on Amazon, I think it was pretty effective. 

I'm working with an intern now and I think I will pass it on to her. I wonder what she'll take out of it, if she will be as excited as I was when I first felt the agency buzz. 

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