The way you frame a question affects the quality of the solution.
In marketing we can sometimes focus too much on the answer without making sure we're doing our due diligence in defining the problem. Trying to get more people to keep X chocolate bar top-of-mind could be answered in an ifninite number of ways vs. trying to get people to see the same bar as something to buy for everyday occasion instead of only on holidays as previous marketing efforts had focused on.
Here is a masterclass in proper problem-identification.
Context and need: The pending re-authorization of the Patriot Act, which gave the US government vast access to citizens' private data, without needing to disclose the level of surveillance. Snowden sought to spread awareness about this by sharing government data with journalists. It was widely covered in the news, but John Oliver highlights how most/many Americans were still ignorant of the issues at play, and therefore remianed indifferent to the law's re-authorization.
Solution: Highlight the implications of US government surveillance using an issue that Americans are deeply passionate about.
PS/ Obviously I love this show. Mabuhay, John Oliver!
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