Thursday, July 22, 2010

learning trip / be your digital best: digital marketing philippines

Was back at my old office yesterday to give a talk - our boss asked me to share about about my trip to the States and digital learning in New York. I actually wrote the presentation a month ago but just hadn't been able to deliver it since everyone (including me, haha especially me!) was busy.

It was nice to look back at what I had written down almost as soon as I had gotten back to work, fresh from the trip and before getting stressed out handling new projects.

The "framework" I was asked to use was: Five things learned, Five things unlearned. The premise was that there are new mindsets we need to develop to really go digital, but there are also some things that, as above-the-line marketers, we have to forget.

Here are my five on five, which I plan to write about in more detail in separate posts:

  • Value Marketing, inspired by MRM
  • Role of Consumer, inspired by the 140 Conference
  • Context changes with mobile, inspired by very a wired city
  • Be inspired by the art world, inspired by a very self-expressed city
  • No cheat sheet, only problem-solving, inspired by NYU

  • Optimization over launch
  • Long-term measurement over short-term
  • Propagation over viral
  • Quality over quantity, but quantity over campaign
  • Role of Consumer over all!

It was hard to whittle down the list of things I had learned to just five (or ten). Especially because I don't think I've really realized yet what I really got out of going to New York and trying to immerse in digital and art. But that's what this blog is for!

social object creation / be your digital best: digital marketing philippines

Saw this Cannes-winning Mars bar on TheInspirationRoom. Love the idea and execution that brings to life one way that brands can make their products engaging in the real world.

This reminded me of other executions I've seen in the past - Beck released a black CD cover with stickers, allowing their fans to customize their own covers. Penguin has also released DIY (Design-It-Yourself) covers for some of their classic titles. Definitely not a new idea, bu still sticky.

Given the way consumers have immersed in social media, it has become a much bigger challenge to keep real-world products sticky. But allowing us to take ownership is a good way to win. Maybe the challenge is to allow more ways for consumers to put their own stamp on things, and help them turn products into personal social objects.

thinking tools

Do you think using A3 paper,
letter-sized blank paper,
legal-sized bond paper,
notebook paper,
small pieces of paper,
a pile of scratch paper,
graphing paper?

Do you think using a pen,
old-school sharperner sharpened pencils,
a Wacom pen,
fingers on an iPad?

Do you need silence,
or do do you prefer
some Jimi,
 or Sandwich?

Do you need
maybe Absolut
to get you going?

Do you like a big empty table,
a view of the sea,
a coffee shop bustle?

Do you think in pictures,
or words,

photo by quacktaculous via PhotoRee
© be your digital best / digital marketing philippines

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